What's the absolutely necessary ingredient to be a good actor/director/screenplayer?
Hardworking, willing to connect and communicate with others, listen to others, and accept your weaknesses.
First and last cinematographic crush?
The first is Blade Runner and the last is 2046.
How old you were when you decided you wanted to be an actor/director/screenplayer?
In my early 20s, around 24 years old.
For you a Film is...
about enjoying, entertaining, and imagining new creative ideas and sharing them with the crew to develop a great piece of work and ultimately present it to the audiences.
What do you feel when you're acting/directing/writing?
I feel a mix of excitement and a bit of nervousness when I’m directing.
You can go to the Movies with an actor/director/screenplayer that you love. What kind of movie do you choose and with who you're gonna watch it?
I will go to the Movies with a famous Japanese actor, Takuya Kimura, will watch the action and thriller detective film like Sherlock Holmes.
Audrey Hepburn used to say “Nothing is Impossible”, what do you think about it?
I believe that with positive thinking and strong belief, anything can be achieved on the path to success.
Can you live just of your passion?
I don’t think so. You need money and support from others to live out your passion.
What's more important talent or luck?
I believe both are important, but luck is more important than talent. Moreover, talent can be developed through effort and practice. Many celebrities fall into the latter category.
You must go to a desert island but you can bring with you just one movie...
Blade Runner
Have you ever accepted a part/ a movie to direct/ a script to write even if you didn't like the project?
No, I haven’t had that experience before. I usually choose things that interest me.
What's the best compliment you have received about your Job?
A producer, Al Boyd, complimented me, saying, ‘Brilliant work, Vivian. You should be proud of yourself.’ I volunteered to be one of the extras to help others while the actors practiced their lines during the rehearsal.
Are you satisfied about your career?
I would say that I’m not satisfied. I’m still searching for my dream job. I’m actively joining different communities and networking to meet more people and expand my connections.
Do you have a good luck charm?
I believe that I always do.
Which is the worst moment on set ?
When everyone is getting tired, and you still need to complete filming, it becomes incredibly stressful. With multiple takes and repeated shots, the pressure builds, especially when you’re running out of time and need to finish everything overnight.
How do you feel when a job you've been part of it's ending?
I felt accomplished, honoured and relieved, as it felt like I had completed a mission and was able to witness the entire process unfold.
Have you ever lied to get a part/job?
No, I haven’t done anything like that before.
If you should win an Oscar your first thought would go to… the teachers who taught me filmmaking during my time at university film school.
My Master’s film school teacher, Debbie Ballin, taught me so much, especially about storytelling in documentaries and the craftsmanship of creating films. She provided me with significant guidance and inspiration for making my independent film.
Mark Thomas, who introduced me to Debbie as my tutor, also gave me a wealth of helpful advice. He was as a fantastic source of inspiration, offering thoughtful critique and feedback on my work.
Lastly, my undergraduate film teacher, Evangelo Angelo Costadimas, was a great source of support. He invited guest speakers to give us a deeper understanding of the film industry in Hong Kong. He also showed excellent leadership, guiding our class as we worked to wrap up our film projects.
Do you prefer Comedy or Drama?
I like both, including romantic comedy. The only genre I avoid is horror. I saw “The Ring”. It was so good. I was afraid of going to restroom for a month after I saw that movie.
Life imitates Art or Art imitates Life?
It is chicken and egg. Do you have chicken first; or do you have an egg first?
Which is the best Moment on set?
I did not submit RabbitWell.com’s episode 2 City of Boredom to film festivals. However, it is the episode that most people told me that they like the most. I did not submit episode 2, because I did not want my silly politic jokes to be on screen in festivals in election year. Most of RabbitWell.com has social satire elements.
Did anyone ever tell you weren't good enough?
All the time.
How can you stay focused on your goal?
To stay focused, one has to really want it. You need the desire and the fire
within you.
Have you ever had a breakdown because of your Job?
I was fired by navy, which was my first real job after I graduated from UC
Berkeley. After I graduated, I could not find a coding job. So, I worked for navy
reserve as a system administrator. I knew how to write code, but I did not know
how to operate a workstation. My English was terrible and not able to read
menus quick enough. Those navy reserve were really nice and treated me like a
family. But, I disappointed everyone, because I was not able to learn. Yes, I was
so afraid that I would accidentally purge everyone’s data.
Talent is a blessing or a curse?
It depends on how you look at it. I think that talent is a blessing. However, many
teenagers dim their own light to fit in.
What would you like to improve about yourself as an actor/director/screenplayer?
I am currently taking dancing, writing, and acting classes at a community college and on-line. I learn a lot from Catrelia Magee, Janet Jefferie, Jacob Krueger, and Eli Their, who are generous to share their knowledge and looking after our shoulders.
What's the worst critic you have received?
My dance professor Catrelia Magee made a brutal comment on my final project
Soul. Our final project is a three minutes dance film of “investigation”. It was the
first time I took a ballet class; and I turned in my project with purely animation
and purposely removed myself as a dancer in the film. Prof Magee commented,
“it is an ingenue skillfully craftsmanship”. Through out the class, Prof Magee
made me face my self with courage. It was a healing process. By taking
Professor Magee’s class, I learned to gain self-worthy. Do you know that being confident and feeling self-worthy is a learning process and a discipline to master?
If you weren't an actor/director/screenplayer what would you like to be?
I like to be a fine artist. You should check out my paintings at Fine Art America:
If Cinema was a color what would it be?
Full spectrum RGB colors.
A day without a movie is...
A day without a movie is No Make-Believe
If someone offered you to play/direct/write in/a movie that you despice
but that for sure will make you rich and famous...would you accept the job?
Probably not.
What's your greatest ambition?
Winning an Oscar. Just kidding. I like to fall in love and get married one day,
weather I fall in love with a boy or a girl.
What's your biggest fear?
I would die without being in a romantic relationship for once.
Does music helps you to play/direct, write?
Yes, definitely. I use to study at cafes, where they all play nice musics.
Sometimes, I was inspired by the musics played in cafes for my animation’s
background music. When I hear a good music, I would call on Siri to tell me what is the good number which is playing. “Hey, Siri, what song is it.”
You have the chance to make a Silent movie, what's your message to the audience?
“Be honest to your heart.”
Share your speech if you should win an Oscar.....
“I made it!! Being an artist is such a hardship. But, I cannot deny my heart. One
of the life lessons that I learned is that you have to follow your heart and be true
to your heart. Otherwise, your soul will burn eternally. It takes a lot of courage